Sunday, October 23, 2016

Mankind’s Masterly Macrocosm

In the grand scheme of progress, humans create the most imaginative structures that highlight the ingenuity people possess. People rush through their lives without really appreciating the beauty of architecture from inspiring designers. These three pictures provide insight into the reality of architecture and its designs. Beyond the natural wonders, society should recognize the natural architecture that surround people’s daily lives, and it’s role as an important inspiration to humanity. Critics often praise the beauty of large man-made structures and their accents, but they do not recognize the inspiration of architecture from nature. The humble tree provide the first distinct example of height and magnitude. The first picture showcases the epiphany of Western cultural design. The second picture bridges the idea of humanity and nature as a busy, unaware man in the suit walking by the natural architecture that litter the campus. At last, the third picture exhibits the first inspiration for architecture with the forest and trees that inspired the first architects. The vibrant colors from the pictures reveal the artistic affiliation between architecture and nature. Society takes for granted that the most brilliant inspirations come from the humblest of sources. By recognizing nature's contribution to individual culture beyond resources, people begin to appreciate the existence of beauty. As a result, communities become more vigilant in protecting these local wonders for future generations to behold.

#Inspired #Classical #PerfectAcoustics

#Unconcerned #Restless #Conspicuous

#Pure #Prevalent #Outside

1 comment:

  1. 2.5/4 for intro: (1 out of 2 points for framing a "feeling" or "emotion" - I understand that you are writing about the splendour or beauty of architectural and natural structures. You make a good argument about the connections between built structures and nature. However, the "feelings" or "emotions" component is less explicit: you should go into more detail about which feelings/emotions these structures evoke, specifically, i.e. a sense of awe or wonder, or a sense of being overwhelmed, a sense of joy, etc.)(1.5 out of 2 points for grammar/word choice: I notice several errors. For example, two places where you err in subject-verb agreement are: in "architecture that surround," the verb "surround" should be "surrounds" & in "The humble tree provide," provide should be "provides." If you need more explanation on this aspect of grammar, the Writing Center is a great resource! In addition, some of your word choices are not quite correct, such as "epiphany" in the seventh sentence.)
    3/3 for photos (nice composition overall; I notice that most of the photos follow the rule of thirds. I do wonder if you could do something with the color scheme/photo editing to make the third photo seem more like an integration of nature and built architecture; your first photo focuses on yellow and red hues, while the second is dominated by blues and greens. Your third photo is also blue and green-centric; maybe introducing some red-hues could help better convey the idea you put forth in your introduction.)
    2.5/3 for hashtags (the first set of hashtags works well, but the next two sets are perhaps not as functional; you could include slightly more specific, though not *too* specific, hashtags in these latter sets. In addition, I'm not quite sure about the word choices "conspicuous" and "prevalent" as hashtags.)

    Total: 8/10
    Letter Grade: B-
