Monday, October 17, 2016

Amazon Review [Revised]

A typical Amazon review usually discusses the product in term of the experience the owner had with the product. A reviewer rates the product depending on the positives and negatives of the experience with the product. This amazon review though has quite a story to bring possible customers into the context of an actual customer’s experience with the product. The intended audience though about the same as any other audience expected. This reviewer appeals to people interested in this milk product. The only difference highlights the fact that typical people prefer reviews that are concise and to the point, yet there are people who will read the entire review for the sake of the experience and story.

The entire review starts as a story, “after a long hard week full of days he would burst through the door, his fatigue hidden behind a smile.” The dramatic facet of the review comes from the climax of the story as written,” Then there was that Friday, the terrible Friday that would ruin every Friday for the rest of my life.” All of the drama pours out in the second half of the “review” then ends with a sad ending to the experience as signaled by, “That’s when I knew it was over.”  The review showcases a dramatic anecdote for entertainment, but informative under certain circumstances. It doesn’t fit a traditional amazon review as it’s a story for entertaining. The review doesn’t really act as a review, but it can be still interpreted as one by certain individuals.


  1. In terms of revision, I don't see large-scale improvement from the original post to this iteration. I still notice a few grammatical errors and awkward phrasing choices, and you could still do a better job of explaining why you chose those specific quotes as evidence. You need to explain why and how they are relevant.

    Grade: Check minus

    1. If you would like to revise this post a second time, I would recommend visiting the Writing Center! I could then assign a grade to the do-over which would replace the current "Check minus" grade.
